Let's rewind...I had an appointment with my pulmonologist to see if I should continue with I.V.'s or pull the PICC-line out, back on the 5th of January. I had been on antibiotics intravenously for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, I had energy and less congestion. The appointment went great and my doctor said that my infection was gone and it was time to take the PICC-line out. But, I usually do three weeks of I.V.'s and I was nervous that two weeks wouldn't be enough and I might have a relapse which I didn't want. My boyfriend asked my doctor if another week of I.V. antibiotics would benefit me and my doctor said yes, it would. I guess I wanted to see if I could get even more of a result by doing another week, and he agreed that would be best. My x-ray still isn't so pretty(CF lungs)...but the white areas in the x-ray are a little lighter, which is a good sign. On my x-ray pictures, there are constantly white areas in my lungs due to mucus in my airways and lung damage caused by infections. He didn't do PFT's because his office was really backed up. We just did an x-ray and he gave me a conclusion from there...a total of 3 weeks of I.V. antibiotics.
Another big event that had occurred was a good 5 months ago I had booked a cruise to go to the Keys and Cozumel for my friend's Bachelorette party. Two days before the cruise, I had my doctors appointment. I was certain that he was going to say no way, but I hoped that the infection would be gone and he would approve my going on the trip. He basically asked if I was planning on going on the cruise, and I replied no. After sitting down and talking with him about it, he actually wanted me to go. Being that we agreed to do another week of I.V. antibiotics, he suggested that I pack my I.V. balls and go on the cruise. So with a script in hand, I packed and went on the cruise. I wasn't sure if it was something that I wanted to do with all my usual meds, I.V. meds, and baggage...but after telling myself over and over, "you can do this, you can do this", I ended up going on a four-day cruise. My friends were understanding and oftentimes I had to excuse myself to focus on me. When I needed to take time for my health, I did so. To my friends, I'm sure it was weird that I could be on I.V.'s and still be walking, dancing, and doing fun activities. But my best explanation is: when "normal people" take oral antibiotics, like Cipro, even after 7 days when they are feeling better and back to their usual selves, they still have to finish the full pill-cycle of 14 days of antibiotics. My last days on I.V.'s are always the best because I'm rid of my infection. Unfortunately, oral antibiotics don't work for me because I have been on them my whole life and my body is used to them...I.V. antibiotics are the next step to fighting off bacteria and infections. I always find myself making analogies...even I am sometimes bewildered by the fact that one day I can be fine, and the next day I have a full blown infection. But it's just how the disease is and sometimes I have to deal with the cards I'm dealt and play on.
I had so much fun on the cruise with the bride-to-be and my friends! I laughed as hard during those four days as I ever have in my life. And those are memories that I will cherish forever. I'm so glad that I went. There are times in my life that, due to my illness, I have to press the pause button...but when I get the green light to go, you betcha' I keep moving forward. :)

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