The PICC line in this picture is a double lumen Groshong PICC. The red lumen is for blood withdrawal and the white lumen is used for antibiotics. I can almost play connect the dots with all my PICC line scars on my arms.
I usually pick out either a black or white soft sock, cut it on both ends, and slide it up my arm to cover the line when it is not being used. A different color depending on my mood, have to spice things up a little and be fashionable hehe. There is also a clear dressing over the line keeping it secure and air tight. The sock is just a cute way of dressing my arm up so that I don't have odd wires popping out of my body. And the great thing is you can throw those socks in the wash and dryer and they remain all warm and clean.

And now the PICC line is removed. I'm free! :) The hole is wrapped with gauze and bandage providing pressure for 24 hours. A little red dot(scar) is all that is left.

My amazing home nurse who I have known, for a good 5 years, ended up getting the go ahead from my doctors to pull the line out because I was done with my antibiotics. If you have a weak stomach, I suggest you don't watch. It's kind of like a magic trick. But I thought for those CFer's out there that came across my blog, it would be helpful. Education is power and I feel like if you go into any situation being really knowledgeable you can get through anything.
And I thought this video was cute. Hunter and Aiden were having play time while I was getting all bandaged up hehe. Aiden is both a soccer player and a baseball player. He has mad skills!
Even I grimaced watching it get pulled out! I haven't had a PICC line in years but they'll take my port out during transplant so I'll have a few PICCS in me. Yikes! Glad you're done!